The Giggler Treatment Comprehension Questions

Hi all,

I have uploaded the rest of the comprehension questions for The Giggler Treatment in the resources file. Depending on where your child is at in the novel,  they can complete a set of the questions for Friday's activity (see work plan).

I will attach the questions to this post as well :)

The Giggler Treatment Comprehension Questions

‘Mammy Doyle’ - ‘Chapter Two Million and Seven’

1) How did Billie Jean practise her rock climbing?
2) Where was the first mountain Billie Jean climbed?
3) How did the boys keep Kayla on the wall?
4) How did the boys make Kayla heavier?
5) Why was Jimmy surprised when he looked under the oil drum?
6) Why could the boys see the Giggler?
7) Do you think the Giggler is annoyed at being seen by the boys?
8) Who do you think the funniest character is? Why?

Chapter 16 - ‘Rover Gives His Side of The Story’
1) What was odd about the shape of the poo?
2) What does the author say Rover runs like?
3) Why do you think Rover shouted ‘So long suckers’ to the dogs in the
pet shop?
4) Why did Rover say ‘woof’?
5) Why did Rover wish he hadn’t sold his poo to the Gigglers?

‘How Many Inches Now’ - ‘The Seagull Gives His Side of the Story’
(Pg 72-86)
1) What did Rover tell Kayla to do before he jumped?
2) What sound could Mister Mack hear as his foot was less than less than
half an inch from the poo?
3) Why does Jimmy think the Giggler treatment is a brilliant idea?
4) What sort of crocodile was in the Nile?
5) What country did Rover run to after the Sahara Desert?
6) What would the seagull like to do with all the fish?

‘Where in the World is Rover?’ - ‘The End’
(Pg 87-102)
1) Why did the man’s mouth drop open in the Eiffel tower?
2) Where was the rabbit hole?
3) How do we know Rover was getting tired?
4) Where did the tunnel lead to?
5) Why does the author change the story?
6) How long did it take the Gigglers to change colour?
7) Who was going to be the next to get the Giggler treatment?

8) What suggestion did Kayla give Mister Mack about the cream crackers?

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